Freelancer FAQ - GeeksPerHour

Freelancer FAQ

Read on to know how we are always there for you 🙂

How do I become a member of GeeksPerHour?

We promise both our clients and talent the best experience and we take this promise very seriously. Therefore, the Freelancers are prerequisite to fill up the registration form afterwards a test will be conducted to check English and Technical skills. Once the Freelancer cleared the test he/she will be shortlisted for GPH-Readiness Test. Then you must have to create an account with

How can I find the right freelance projects?

Once you join our community, we begin to search for projects that fit your skill sets and general profile. Our team will reach out to you personally for any project that is a match – no bidding and negotiating required!

Why should I freelance through GeeksPerHour?

GeeksPerHour gives you the freedom to work anytime, from anywhere. You can quickly and easily grow your freelance business with ongoing opportunities.

No bidding required, No marketing skills required, No need to write proposals. No competition or pressure of winning the bid, No negotiation with client, Get paid hourly for hours billed to client.

24/7 customer support, and a clear dispute process.

What are the Payment Methods and Billing Cycles for GeeksPerHour Memberships?

We primarily work on hourly rates with all our talent which is fixed immediately after the screening process. GeeksPerHour doesn’t charge any fees on it. Once you are connected to a client, you would be asked to fill in hours against the tasks completed which would be approved by the clients on a weekly basis. The payments would be made in the third week for the work done in a particular week.

How much can I earn?

We allow our talent to choose the rate that they are most comfortable with. Additionally, we share a recommended rate based on a number of factors including the years of experience, demand of the technology, amongst others.

What is the time commitment expected from me?

We expect our talent to work full-time on the projects they are matched to. This primarily stems from our clients’ expectations of a time commitment of 40 hours per week. 

How does GeeksPerHour’s platform help me manage my work?

GeeksPerHour provides a user-friendly platform to help you chat and share files, track your time, and get paid.

What kind of clients can I find on GeeksPerHour?

Clients using the GeeksPerHour platform range from one-person startups to top tech companies building a huge product.

Tips for new freelancers

Try to implement these best practices to increase your chances of improving your freelancing business on the website.

Make a good impression. Present yourself professionally, and tailor your proposal to what the project requires. State what you will provide, and how long it will take you to deliver.

Propose Milestones. Work out Milestone Payments in parts, especially if the project involved will require a lot of work. Use Proposed Milestones to request for the scheduling of payments for every chunk of work done.

Background check. Employers consider several factors when deciding who to work with, so it is only fair for you to do the same to them.

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