Five Ways Freelance Platforms Will Impact Entrepreneurs | GPH

5 Ways How Freelance Platforms will Change Ways of Doing Business in the Upcoming Years

Just as Uber revolutionized the transport system and eBay is changing the way people shop, freelance platforms are reshaping the way we work. It becomes easier now for businesses to connect with talents across the globe, thanks to the platforms’ features and functions that streamline the search, contract, and payment processes.

future of freelancing

Consequently, Nasdaq projected that by 2020, over 40% of the U.S. workforce will be freelancers. That will be a significant growth from merely 34% reported in 2016.

Nonetheless, despite the advancement in technology, there remain issues that seem never-ending to somebody wishing to get a spot in the freelancing world. These are areas, however, that open new opportunity for freelancing platforms.

Hence, before we delve deeper into how these platforms will revolutionize the freelancing industry, it is also worthwhile to mention the current challenges that an internet freelancer encounters. They are as follows:

  1. No clear ‘way in.’ The lack of a standard way to become a freelancer makes it confusing for beginners. You aren’t sure of the first steps to start doing it and which platform is best for freelancers. If you’re someone wanting to start a career in freelancing, read the FinancesOnline freelance platforms guide to help you.
  2. Lack of benefits. Freelancing is less worth all the hardships without any benefits. Freelancers do not have employers that provide them with a 401k plan and health insurance.
  3. Delayed and deferred payments. Freelancers might be screwed by clients who take days and even months to pay. Worse, some never pay at all.
  4. Supply shortage. The marketplaces for freelancers have never been busier. There is more supply than demand, which makes it harder for new talents to start a freelancing career.

The challenges above widen a glaring gap in the market where current infrastructure is still lacking to enable billions of individuals to start freelancing successfully. Fortunately, there is a growing number of companies building the bridges that billions will stand tomorrow. 

Below are five ways of how freelance platforms will change ways of doing business in the upcoming years: 

1. Search engine visibility

The Internet is filled with unlimited information, but the free flow of this knowledge source can become nearly useless without search engines. Freelancing and other related keywords are pushing freelancing websites at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs).

In the upcoming years, we might see freelancing profiles, projects, and several great gigs in SERPs regardless of the platform they were posted on. Finding some high-rated freelancers at the top of the search engines could be the norm soon. 

2. Automation

Freelancing processes are increasingly becoming automated, thanks to the emergence of cloud technologies and the Internet of Things. In the future, we may see processes such as proposal and bidding, as well as project shortlisting being automated.

While it’s a debatable topic, there’s no denying that manual proposals are eating a lot of time and reduce a freelancer’s productivity.  Automating proposal submission can become vital soon.

3. Universal profile

In today’s system, a freelancer can increase its profile ratings on a platform and can become one of the top-rated. However, if you wish to diversify, you may need to use another platform. This brings you back to square one and requires you to build a reputation all over again. The cycle goes on each time you start on a new platform.

The issue can be addressed soon through a universal profile. This means that the ratings you have generated on one platform can be used on the other. Some freelancing platforms in the future can provide a third-party tool that will store your ratings from all platforms and integrate them into your profiles everywhere.

4. Learning experience

The best freelance websites for beginners can play a crucial role in taking freelancing into the mainstream. One way to do so is by offering a modern learning experience that will teach potential freelancers to build a successful career around their unique skills. Mid-career professionals, recent grads, or even current students will have equal opportunities to find clients while enrolled in specific programs.

5. Safe payments and quality work

In a digital arena where contracts lack guarantee and transparency, a platform that can streamline freelancers’ payments in a more reliable way for both parties is vital. Online freelancing platforms are evolving to give potential freelancers their number one consideration to jump in: the assurance that they will get paid for their efforts. At the same time, businesses get peace of mind that they’re paying a quality work.

IT outsourcing platform Geeks Per Hour, for instance, promises that all their freelancers are pre-screened. It offers prospective clients a trial package that comes with a 100% money-back guarantee.


Should you invest in outsourcing platforms?

Many crystal balls are showing that the future of freelancing is bright. You got the ever-changing consumers and technology advancements raising the expectations of the roof. What this meant for businesses is that ensuring an active workforce is always ready to compete amidst digital disruption has become more critical than ever. Hiring the right kind of remote workers is equally important.

A company hiring hundreds of people but with only half of them being completely utilized most of the time is a 50% waste in labor. Regardless of how you look at it, a lot of evidence is pointing to a future workforce, which is a lot different than it is today. You need to invest in outsourcing platforms to remain on par. Check out Geeks Per Hour today to find out how you can save money and time in outsourcing remote jobs.

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