Laravel & VueJS : The Popular Duo among web developers

Reasons why Laravel & VueJS is the popular Duo among web developers


laravel + vue.js



You may be wondering how VueJS and Laravel could have anything to do with each other. VueJS is a Javascript framework and Laravel is a PHP framework, and there can’t possibly be any way that they could serve any purpose to each other, or could they? You also must have tried the latest version of Laravel, you may have observed that it usually comes with Vue and other technologies like Bootstrap and jQuery. In addition, you’ll see in the Laravel docs that they’ve included a brief introduction to using Vue components.

To comprehend all of this, you must first familiarise yourself with a number of facts concerning the VueJS and Laravel frameworks. After that, you’ll be able to evaluate how VueJS and Laravel can be used to create productive apps. So, let’s get started with VueJS.

VueJS : Queen of Frontend:

Working with a frontend framework is where VueJS shines. It offers a lot of features, the most impressive of which is its ability to render HTML templates, CSS capabilities, and support for a wide range of frontend languages. VueJS is used in current Web application development since all of its components are fully customizable.

Laravel: King of Backend:

Laravel is ready for every backend or server-side application development that you can think of. As previously said, it is essentially a highly supported language with a large number of really useful tools that are commonly used in web development.


The relationship between Laravel & Vue.JS development:

King of Backend(Laravel) + Queen of frontend (VueJS) = Perfect couple for app development


laravel & vue stat on stack overflow trend

Source: Stack Overflow Trend

Top 5 Reasons why you should Use Laravel With VueJS in Web Application development?


Everything happens on the frontend:


At the moment, web apps are event-driven. When you engage web app developers, they will create online applications that give customers a personalized and seamless experience, much like they would if they were using a desktop program. The combination of Vue JS and Laravel allows developers to make changes to the front-end. At the same time, visitors will be able to see the changes in real-time without having to reload the website.


Easy to learn & Use:


Vue is simple to use. It gives you very few options as a developer and hides a lot of information. When you use Vue, it feels like you’re writing plain JavaScript, and you can create a simple application with plain JavaScript that works in Vue.
Another nice feature of Vue is that any valid HTML template can also be used as a Vue template. Depending on your application’s demands, you can keep your CSS external or process it using JavaScript. You may also use scoped styling to make changes to the style of a single component on the fly without affecting other components.


Building Optimal Complex Frontend Pages


If you want to design an app with parts that need to be updated often, you’ll have no choice but to run the frontend entirely in JavaScript.
When the frequency of updates or the volume of data to track for changes grows sufficiently, you quickly run into performance concerns using vanilla JavaScript, jQuery, or other JavaScript frameworks that do not include a virtual DOM. Changes to the DOM will become less instantaneous over time, and you will notice considerable performance lags.


Allows developers to use PHP syntax to run database queries:


VueJS, like all other frameworks, makes use of virtual DOM, which stores the ideal representation of the user interface in memory as JavaScript data structures.

Eloquent ORM is a progressive PHP implementation of the active record pattern that allows web developers to query databases using PHP syntax.


Wrapping Up:


It’s not easy to combine VueJS and Laravel in a single project. To integrate the two powerful frameworks and create an excellent web application, you’ll need a team with a lot of experience and talent. You’ll need to put up a team of top VueJS developers and top Laravel developers who are both knowledgeable about the technologies. The Laravel developers will create a rapid and functional core for your web application, while the VueJS developers will create a more rich and engaging user experience. If you get it right, you can create web applications that are truly works of art.



Vue.JS and Laravel, when used together, improve the efficiency of your web application from development to page load times. They give thorough documentation to get your team members up and running, as well as a large library of modules to help them do typical tasks. Because they both heavily assist front-end development, your final project will almost certainly perform well (as long as you use them in the right combination).

If you want to hire Laravel Developers you can easily find them as they are some of the most popular frameworks in the market.



Frequently Asked Questions:


Which is best for Laravel Vue or react?

Vue is more similar to Angular than React is, so it was likely easier to pick up. In general, one reason to decide between Vue vs. React is that Vue is a bit more structured and opinionated. It wants you to do things in certain ways and will make it hard to do them in other ways.


Can I use Vue with Laravel?

Fortunately, the laravel/ui package makes it simple to integrate Vue into your Laravel application. The laravel/ui package includes several useful Artisan commands that will scaffold out everything you need to get started with Vue automatically. $ artisan ui vue PHP You’ll notice a few modifications in your app as a result.

What are the benefits of using VueJS with Laravel?

  1. Everything happens on the frontend
  2. Easy to learn & Use
  3. Building Optimal Complex Frontend Pages
  4. Allows developers to use PHP syntax to run database queries
  5. Wrapping Up


What are Laravel and Vue?

Both Laravel and Vue JS are considered top web development frameworks, and combining the two can result in some fantastic web apps. Laravel was created by Taylor Otwell in 2011 as a progressive PHP framework. Vue. JS is used in the majority of projects for prototyping and producing interactive single-page web apps.

How does VueJS work with Laravel?

Single-Page Application Development

Single-page applications are supported by both Vue js and Laravel. This allows the application assets to be loaded only once, and all your app does while the user interacts with it is request data, which normally requires minimum bandwidth to complete.


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